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        Mission: To support, educate, and be a collective champion for the environmental community.

        Vision: To be the premier resource for the environmental community. 

2025 Spring Conference In-Person Attendee

  • 21 May 2025
  • 8:00 AM
  • 23 May 2025
  • 1:00 PM
  • Clearwater Beach Marriott on Sandkey, FL


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Current Member Registration: Sign-up for Spring Conference workshops, Technical Session and Regulatory Session. YOU MUST SELECT SESSIONS TO ATTEND. Registration fees are based on sessions selected. (Base price $0 indicates membership fee has already been paid for 2025)
  • NON-Member Registration: Sign-up for Spring Conference workshops, Technical Session and Regulatory Session. YOU MUST SELECT SESSIONS TO ATTEND. Registration fees are based on sessions selected. (Base price $50 indicates membership fee has not been paid for 2025) Use this registration link to include your membership fee of $50 which pays membership for the remainder of this year.
  • Sign-up for Spring Conference workshops, Technical Session and Regulatory Session. YOU MUST SELECT SESSIONS TO ATTEND. Registration fees are based on sessions selected. (Base price $0 indicates membership fee has already been paid for 2025) Registering after May 9th there is a $25 late registration fee.
  • NON-Member Registration: Sign-up for Spring Conference workshops, Technical Session and Regulatory Session. YOU MUST SELECT SESSIONS TO ATTEND. Registration fees are based on sessions selected. (Base price $50 indicates membership fee has not been paid for 2025) Use this registration link to include your membership fee of $50 which pays membership for the remainder of this year. Your registration cost will be determined by the sessions you select. If you are registering after May 9th there is a $25 late registration fee.
  • We will be hosting a FUNdraiser for our student programs on Thursday night May 22nd at 7:30pm. Join us for a fun night of preparing for a Zombie Apocalypse on a scavenger hunt. Bring a team or join a team when you get there.
  • This registration link is only for STUDENTS who have received a registration code. If you are not a student who has received the meeting attendance award please use one of the other registration links - YOU MUST HAVE A REGISTRATION CODE TO USE THIS REGISTRATION LINK.

    Your invoice will show a balance due - this is okay. It will be zeroed out. Do not enter any payment info.


FSEA Spring Conference May 21-23, 2025

You are invited to attend the Florida Society of Environmental Analysts’ 2025 Spring Conference. The conference is scheduled for May 21-23 2025 at the Clearwater Beach Marriott on Sandkey located at 1201 Gulf Blvd., Clearwater Beach, FL 33767. This meeting promises to be both informative and beneficial to all field samplers, operators, engineers, analysts and managers in the environmental field. Come join us for an opportunity to network and exchange ideas and information. CEUs will be offered for operators and engineers.

Not able to attend in person? We will be offering recordings of our sessions after the conclusion of the conference. The recordings will be available as a separate event registration with a la carte options. PLEASE NOTE: we will not be offering recordings for the workshops, the Peer session or the Regulatory forum.

If you need accommodations, the FSEA room rate is $167 per night plus tax (all rooms in the hotel are suites). Please make your reservation online here or contact the hotel directly for reservations at (727)-593-6110, Group Name: FSEA 2025. Hotel reservations must be made by April 28, 2025 to receive this reduced group rate. 

For the full agenda click here and for a paper registration form click here. Early bird registration rates are available if you register before May 9, 2025. After May 9th there is an additional registration fee of $25. To enter multiple attendees on one invoice - select GUEST registration after completing the main registration to include more than one person.

If your membership is not current, be sure to register using the non-member option. This will renew your membership until the end of this year. 

You are welcome to join us for a Board of Directors’ meeting on Tuesday May 20th at 7 pm in the Siesta Key Room.

We will be hosting a FUNdraiser for our student scholarship program on Thursday night May 22nd at 7:30pm. Join us for a fun night on a zombie themed scavenger hunt . Bring a team or join a team when you get there.

The Board of Directors would like to thank the Host and Program Committee members for putting together the 2025 Spring Conference program. The continued efforts of members Cathie Catasus, Tony Francis, Paul Junio and Robin Cook have made this conference possible.

We hope to see you at the Spring Conference and encourage early registration to help with our planning. For further information, please contact FSEA at (941) 748-5700 or

Thank you,

Cathie Catasus, FSEA Executive Administrator


Florida Society of Environmental Analysts is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.                                                                                  941-748-5700   FSEA, P.O. Box 1617, Tavares, FL 32778-1617

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