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        Mission: To support, educate, and be a collective champion for the environmental community.

        Vision: To be the premier resource for the environmental community. 

FSEA Board of Directors

The FSEA Board of Directors consists of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, the Past President and 6 Regional Directors. Descriptions of the roles are listed below.

President.  The President shall preside at all meetings of the members of the SOCIETY and chair the Board of Directors; he/she shall appoint the members of all committees and shall be an ex-officio member of all such committees; he/she shall sign such papers as my be required by his/her office or as may be directed by the Board of Directors; he/she shall make such reports and recommendations to the Board of Directors and to the members of the SOCIETY at any regular or special meetings concerning the work and affairs of the SOCIETY as in his/her judgment may be necessary for their information and guidance; he/she may require such reports from the Treasurer, Secretary, executive directors, and committee chairpersons as in his/her judgment is necessary; and shall perform such other duties as my be incidental the office.

Vice-President.  The Vice-President shall assume all the powers and duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President.


Secretary.  The Secretary shall be responsible for attending all meetings of the Board of Directors and recording all votes and the minutes of all proceedings in a book to be kept for that purpose and performing like duties for the annual meeting of the SOCIETY; issuing in writing all notices of meetings of the members of the SOCIETY and Board of Directors; notifying individuals elected to office or to membership of the SOCIETY or to the Board of Directors; keeping complete records of the meetings of the members of the SOCIETY and of the Board of Directors, including an accurate record of attendance of members; furnishing the Nominating Committee the names of all current members of the SOCIETY; furnishing the Nominating Committee with a list of officers and members of the Board of Directors, whose terms shall expire at the next annual meeting; mailing such other notices as may be directed by the Board of Directors; shall be custodian of all records of the SOCIETY, except such records and papers as shall be kept by the Treasurer as herein provided; shall sign such papers as may be required by his or her office or as directed by the Board of Directors; and shall perform such other duties as may be incidental to the office.  In the absence of a Treasurer, or incapacity of the Treasurer, the Secretary may assume the duties of the Treasurer until one is appointed by the Board of Directors.

Treasurer.  The Treasurer shall receive all moneys of the SOCIETY and have custody hereof.  He or she shall deposit the funds of the SOCIETY in one or more banks selected by the Board of Directors, to be disbursed in accordance with the directions of, and upon the signatures of persons designated by the Board of Directors.  He or she shall be responsible for keeping a full account of all moneys received and paid out and shall make such reports thereof to the President and Board of Directors as they may require.  He or she shall receive and have custody of all deeds, securities, notes, contracts and other financial papers of the SOCIETY and shall place them for safe keeping in the safe deposit vaults of a bank designated by the Board of Directors and under such rules as to access as such Board of Directors shall determine.  He or she shall keep full account of all deeds, securities, notes and financial papers of the SOCIETY and shall make such reports thereof to the President and Board of Directors as they may require.  He or she shall present at each annual meeting of the members of the SOCIETY a comprehensive financial statement.  He or she shall sign such papers as may be required by this office or as may be directed by the Board of Directors; and shall perform such other duties as may be incidental to the office.  He or she may be required by the Board of Directors to give such bonds as they shall determine for the faithful performance of his or her duties, as may other persons having financial signatory powers for the SOCIETY.

Regional Directors.  All Regional Directors shall serve two-year terms of office or until such time as a successor is elected.  Each Regional Director must either reside or work within the Region he or she represents and be a member of the SOCIETY. The Regional Directors from Regions 1,3 and 5 shall be elected in calendar years ending in odd numbers, and the Regional Directors from Regions 2, 4 and 6 shall be elected in calendar years ending in even numbers.  Each Regional Director shall be elected biennially either by a majority of members present in person at the annual meeting of members or by electronic vote prior to the annual meeting as determined by the Board of Directors.

Duties and Responsibilities.

The business, property, and affairs of the SOCIETY shall be managed by the Board of Directors, which shall have the power to initiate and approve plans and programs for the welfare of the SOCIETY; have custody and management of any land, buildings, equipment, securities or other properties of the SOCIETY; adopt the annual budget of the SOCIETY; borrow money; raise and disburse funds; invest and reinvest funds of the SOCIETY; buy, sell and exchange properties and securities of the SOCIETY; and appoint or delegate the power to hire other employees of the SOCIETY; fix  compensation of all employees of the SOCIETY; and perform all other duties and have such other powers as may be necessary to carry out the purpose of the SOCIETY.


Florida Society of Environmental Analysts is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.                                                                                  941-748-5700   FSEA, P.O. Box 1617, Tavares, FL 32778-1617

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