Mission: To support, educate, and be a collective champion for the environmental community.
Vision: To be the premier resource for the environmental community.
Join us and exhibit at our 2025 Spring Conference!! Exhibit dates are May 21-22, 2025 at the beautiful Marriott Sandkey in Clearwater Beach.
This is for Exhibitor Booth Registration ONLY (if you need to add an extra rep after you have already signed up for your booth please use the other event registration link)
Registration closes on Friday April 25th or when we sell out our spaces.
Room rate is $167/night and is offered from May 19-24, 2025. For the hotel reservation link - click here Reservation cut-off date is April 28th.
Basic registration includes a 6-foot table and chair, breakfast/lunch/breaks, conference attendance for one representative and a posting on our website (please note: a 10' display cannot be accommodated in this space). Platinum registration includes basic level plus recognition during the welcome session, company name displayed on a poster in the registration area and on the screen in the meeting room between sessions. A portion of the platinum registration fee goes towards supporting our Student Programs which include: the student mentor program/meeting attendance award, the Fredrick C. Bothe Scholarship for Environmental Studies and special awards at the State Science Fair. We also have different sponsorship opportunities available.
Exhibitor Meeting Registration Documents click here or sign up online at www.fsea.net/events
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. I look forward to seeing you soon!
Cathie Catasus, FSEA Executive Administrator
Florida Society of Environmental Analysts is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. secretary@fsea.net 941-748-5700 FSEA, P.O. Box 1617, Tavares, FL 32778-1617