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        Vision: To be the premier resource for the environmental community. 

Region 6 Virtual Meet & Greet with Updates

  • 14 Feb 2022
  • 9:45 AM - 12:00 PM (UTC-05:00)
  • Virtual via WebEx


  • If you are not a member, you will need to pay the $50 membership fee for 2022 to participate in the webinar.

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09:45 to 10:00

Introduction, Region 6 Meet and Greet

10:00 to 10:50

Drinking Water Nitrification and Chloramination 101, The Basics

Juan Manzano, FSEA Region 6 Director

Chloramination and Nitrification are key elements to the wellbeing of a water system and its water quality. During this session you will be provided  basic information and references to resources available on which to build on. You will be able to better understand how to asses, minimize and control nitrification by tweaking processes such as chloramination. Also, will explore how it relates to Compliance with rules such as the Revised Total Coliform Rule and Disinfection Byproducts Stage II Rule. 

11:00 to 11:50

PFAS SDWA Regulatory Status and UCMR 5 Updates for Water Systems

Paul R. Jackson

Program Manager – PFAS, Emerging Contaminants & Drinking Water

Pace Analytical

In October 2021 US EPA issued its “PFAS Strategic Roadmap” in which it established accelerated timelines to add PFOS and PFOA to the SDWA MCL list with enforceable limits. There’s movement afoot to speed this process up and other PFAS may get added. EPA also finalized UCMR 5 which requires the nation’s water systems to sample from 2023 through 2025. During this session you will learn some basics about PFAS and when they’ll be added to the SDWA MCL list with enforceable limits, how that will affect your system, and what states have already set enforceable limits. For UCMR 5 we’ll dive into which contaminants and test methods are required, when and where you’ll be required to sample, and budgetary costs. 

What will be the likely impact in Year 1 and beyond when PFOA and PFOS are added to the SDWA MCL

PFAS sampling considerations and field QC

UCMR 5 – PFAS will be included again, for a longer list and at lower reporting limits

UCMR 5 test methods and what might change in the final Rule

UCMR 5 sampling schedules

UCMR 5 sampling requirements

UCMR 5 budgetary costs

US EPA has established accelerated timelines to add PFOS and PFOA to the SDWA MCL list with enforceable limits and has finalized UCMR 5, which requires over twice as many of the nation’s water systems than in previous rounds to sample from 2023 through 2025. During this session you will learn when PFAS will be added to the SDWA MCL list with enforceable limits and how that will affect your system. For UCMR 5 we’ll dive into which contaminants and test methods are required, when and where you’ll be required to sample, and budgetary costs.

Florida Society of Environmental Analysts is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.                                                                                  941-748-5700   FSEA, P.O. Box 1617, Tavares, FL 32778-1617

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